Tuesday 2 February 2016

Ben Carson’s amazing excuse for taking a break from the campaign trail: He needs ‘fresh clothes’

Caucus night is inherently wacky and, in a year when the Republican presidential front-runner is a reality TV star, journalists covering the proceedings in Iowa surely anticipated something they've never seen before.
But surely not this.
Ben Carson, the retired neurosurgeon who briefly led the GOP field just a few months ago, announced that after voting concludes in the Hawkeye State, he will not hurry off to campaign in New Hampshire, site of the nation's first primary next Tuesday, like everyone else. Nor will he head to South Carolina, whose primary follows 11 days later.
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Instead, he will go home to Florida to rest and — this is the best part — "get some fresh clothes."
As a Massachusetts native from a family of 10 that frequently scooted north to shop for tax-free apparel in the Granite State, I can assure Dr. Carson that he would have no trouble finding some fresh threads in New Hampshire. (I recommend Settlers Green in North Conway. Great selection. Also, cupcakes.)
Political reporters and strategists have no idea what to make of Carson's decision. The most obvious theory is that he is preparing to drop out, but his campaign insists that is not the case.
There it is again: Fresh clothes. In fact, no fewer than three Carson aides reached by various members of The Washington Post staff cited the need for them in announcing why Carson was departing the campaign trail. This wasn't just an offhand excuse from Carson himself; it was the company line.
Thus, we're all left baffled. I mean, it's hardly surprising that a 64-year old — well, anyone, really — would be tired after months of a grueling campaign, but a presidential candidate isn't supposed to let on, right? I can hear Donald Trump's voice in my head: "low energy."
Here's a sampling of how Carson's announcement was received, starting with a top former Mitt Romney aide:


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